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| 1:一个树莓派(3代、4代皆可) 2:免驱的usb声卡(声卡需接在树莓派usb接口) 3:麦克风(接在声卡上) 4:有线音响(音响可连在声卡上,也可连在树莓派的3.5mm接口上) (树莓派播放设备默认使用3.5mm接口,具体过程需要自定义播放设备)
首先,我们在树莓派上需要下载pyaudio库: pip3 install pyaudio
创建一名为rec的python文件 sudo nano rec.py
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| import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import pyaudio import wave import os import sys def rec_fun(): BUTT = 26 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(BUTT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) CHUNK = 512 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 RATE = 16000 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "command.wav" print('请按住按钮开始录音...') GPIO.wait_for_edge(BUTT, GPIO.FALLING) p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = p.open(format = FORMAT, channels = 1, rate = RATE, input = True, frames_per_buffer = CHUNK) print("录音中...") frames = [] while GPIO.input(BUTT) == 0: data = stream.read(CHUNK) frames.append(data) print("录音完成,输出文件:" + WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME + '\n') stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate() wf = wave.open(WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(1) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) wf.close() return
if __name__ == '__main__': rec_fun()
通过树莓派一 点亮LED灯,我们对树莓派的阵脚已经有了大概了解。
按钮录音,是通过按钮控制阵脚高低电平。在上述代码里引用import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
1. 申请百度AIP账号与应用

2. python调用百度AIP
官网文档中有详细使用语音识别技术,包括python的示例。首先导入AipSpeech, 即百度AI语音识别的Python SDK客户端(pip3 install baidu-aip
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| from aip import AipSpeech import os
APP_ID = '你的IDID' API_KEY = '你的KEYKEY' SECRET_KEY = '你的secret_key'
client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
def get_file_content(filePath): with open(filePath, 'rb') as fp: return fp.read()
def stt(filename): result = client.asr(get_file_content(filename), 'wav', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1537,} ) print (result) return result['result']
if result['err_msg']=='success.': word = result['result'][0].encode('utf-8') if word!='': if word[len(word)-3:len(word)]==',': print (word[0:len(word)-3]) with open('demo.txt','wb') as f: f.write(word[0:len(word)-3]) else: print (word.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) with open('demo.txt','wb') as f: f.write(word) f.close() else: print ("音频文件不存在或格式错误") else: print ("错误")
if __name__ == '__main__': stt('command.wav')
使用图灵机器人基本原理就是使用urllib.request模块,向接口地址发送HTTP POST请求,请求中加入了聊天内容。(返回内容是一个字典)
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| import json import urllib.request def chat(question): api_url = "http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2" text_input = question req = { "perception": { "inputText": { "text": text_input }, "selfInfo": { "location": { "city": "xxx", "province": "xxx", "street": "xxx" } } }, "userInfo": { "apiKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "userId": "123" } } req = json.dumps(req).encode('utf8') print('\n' + '正在调用图灵机器人API...')
http_post = urllib.request.Request(api_url, data=req, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) response = urllib.request.urlopen(http_post) print('得到回答,输出为字典格式:')
response_str = response.read().decode('utf8') response_dic = json.loads(response_str) intent_code = response_dic['intent']['code'] if(intent_code == 10023): results_url = response_dic['results'][0]['values']['url'] results_text = response_dic['results'][1]['values']['text'] with open("result.txt","w") as f: f.write(results_text) answer = {"code": intent_code, "text": results_text, "url":results_url} print(answer) return(answer) else: results_text = response_dic['results'][0]['values']['text'] answer = {"code": intent_code, "text": results_text} with open("result.txt","w") as f: f.write(results_text) print(answer) return(answer)
if __name__ == '__main__': with open("demo.txt", "r",encoding='UTF-8') as f: text = f.read() eg_question = text chat(eg_question)
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| from aip import AipSpeech import os
""" 你的 APPID AK SK """ APP_ID = 'xxxxx' API_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' SECRET_KEY = 'chMdMAS0acD7sPS6FhP3a3iOijU7wMVl' def speak(text_content): client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) texts = text_content result = client.synthesis(texts , options={'vol':5})
print('\n' + "正在调用语音合成API...")
if not isinstance(result,dict): with open('answer.mp3','wb') as f: f.write(result) else:print(result)
print("播放音频中...") print("以下均为mplayer的输出内容\n") os.system("mplayer answer.mp3") return if __name__ == '__main__': with open("result.txt", "rb") as f:
text = f.read() eg_text_content = text speak(eg_text_content)
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| import rec import speech_api import turing import tts import os rec.rec_fun() recognize = speech_api.stt('command.wav') print("111") print(recognize) if recognize[0] == "音乐。": rec.rec_fun() recognize1 = speech_api.stt('command.wav') os.system("python3 url1.py " +recognize1[0]) else: turing_answer = turing.chat(recognize)
一个简单的if else 完成了图灵机器人对话到在线放歌的切换。